
作者: Dustin Brewer, CISM, CSX-P, CDPSE, CEH
发表日期: 4月30日2021
相关: 区块链框架与指南|数字|英文

新兴技术可能是一个棘手的问题 讨论. Experts, practitioners and just about IT领域的任何人都可能非常固执己见 passionate when it comes to a particular 技术,特别是如果他们正在工作 或者有一些财务利益 in the 技术’s success. 的 first Bleeding Edge 专栏《澳门赌场官方软件》1 was an attempt to not only educate ISACA® 杂志 读者了解区块链是如何运作的,还可以指点一下 out the dangers of ignoring or dismissing a 技术 based on hearsay or disbelief in its 价值. But what if the implementation of the 技术的成功完全取决于公众的信念? 什么 if the only 价值 given to a technological implementation of blockchain is what people are willing to pay for it? 进入加密货币——波动性和情绪的持续案例研究 pertaining to emerging 技术.

When it comes to the true 技术 driving 加密货币、区块链、澳门赌场官方下载都在采用 it on an impressive scale2 and the 率 of adoption 正在加速. Cryptocurrency is a different implementation of blockchain 技术 than most of these companies are utilizing and can 几乎完全被它自己分开,就像它一样 试图创造一个真正去中心化的金融体系 system—a seemingly impossible task.

2021年初的“加密热潮”很难做到 忽略它,仅仅是因为它的影响巨大 关于金融市场. Bitcoin’s market cap hit 9000亿美元. Dogecoin (an altcoin originally created as a joke) made 1000 percent gains in a 几个月. By no means is this column intended 鼓励:鼓励个人或公司投资 加密只是为了告知,因为有教训要 be learned from the crypto craze phenomena and its contrasts to other emerging 技术. 一个 observation where impact can be gleaned is by analyzing the different reactions of current institutions to this seemingly autarchic and 蓬勃发展的系统.

美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦做出了上述表示 今年年初的情况主要是这样的 cryptocurrency is for nefarious purposes 助长恐怖主义,毒品交易等 非法活动.3 In contrast, 中国 is creating its 自己的加密货币,试图与比特币竞争, but also to future proof its national currency.4 To 更令人困惑的是,特斯拉最近做出了大胆的举动 开始接受比特币支付其产品, 将加密市场的稳定性弹射到 全新的境界5 and negating Secretary Yellen’s claims less than a month later.

加密货币的接受和实现 是否不一致,使得很难进行任何类型的分析. Cryptocurrency is being driven by industry and governments to different places. 什么 can we learn from these moves and decisions? It can be argued that a major contributor to the 任何新兴技术的成功都在于采用 率. In the case of cryptocurrency, this has meant mass adoption and valuation based on 投机. 的 amazing thing was that this acceptance was not perpetuated by any one 公司、政府机构或行业都是如此 很大程度上被个人收养 社交媒体.

Another contributing factor to a 技术’s success is the problem-solving aspects. 什么 problems does cryptocurrency solve? 的 任何系统的集中化都可能导致单一的 故障点,减慢进程或更多 很容易操纵. Cryptocurrency borrows the 去中心化能力从区块链到 平息这些问题,解决感知到的问题. 最后,但并非最不重要的是利用新事物的能力 技术. As mentioned earlier, cryptocurrency is 这是目前利润丰厚的主要原因之一 blockchain is being so heavily researched and 采用. As this has occurred it has also caught the 监管机构和公司的眼睛一样, 这给采用者增加了新的难度 implementations of the 技术.


从文化方面到实际果仁和 技术的螺栓,加密货币真的是一个 惊人的研究在所有可以得到和失去 early adoption and acceptance of emerging 技术. For example, if one had invested 在2010年投入100美元到比特币,现在应该是100美元 截至撰写本文时,价值约为5700万美元 本文简介. That is a hard number to ignore. 与 说了这么多,有人可能会破解比特币 区块链导致了加密货币的大规模崩溃 market in the near future. 这其中还存在着另一个过早采用的危险——未经测试和探索 风险. 但是经过考验的真实的做事方法会 不会永远. Risk has to be taken to help 持续创新,如果我们不愿意 take that 风险, someone else will. 世界和 技术进步不管我们怎么努力挖掘 紧跟我们的脚步,努力保持传统制度 过程继续进行. Even if Bitcoin and all crypto 如果明天失败,另一项技术 去中心化货币的想法也会成功 它,和伟大的速度和灵活性感谢 leaps and bounds made by its predecessor. Personally, I would not have it any other way.


达斯汀·布鲁尔拥有并投资加密货币 加密资产.


1 布鲁尔维.; “Blockchain: Love It or Hate It, 在这里,” ISACA® 杂志,卷. 2, 2020, http://zpbox.web-sitemap.xqzlsb.net/archives
2 Iredale G.; “List of Top 50 Companies Using 区块链技术,《澳门赌场官方下载》,2020年12月26日, http://101blockchains.com/companies-using-blockchain-技术/ #: ~:文本= BBVA % 20 % 20一个% 20的% 20, the%20deal%20of%20%E2%82%AC150m.
3 Robertson H.; “Janet Yellen Suggests ‘Curtailing’ Cryptocurrencies Such as Bitcoin, Saying 的y Are Mainly Used for Illegal 融资,” 市场内部人士2021年1月20日; http://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/bitcoin-price-cryptocurrency-should-be-curtailed-terrorism-concerns-yellen-2021-1-1029985692
4 Anstey C.; L. Chen; H. Xie; Y. Zhao; D. 魏; O. Kharif; Z. Huang; “中国’s Digital Currency Could Challenge Bitcoin and Even the Dollar,” Bloomberg Businessweek2020年6月1日 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-01/china-is-making-cryptocurrency-to-challenge-bitcoin-and-dollar
5 萨尔兹曼是一个.; “Not Just Tesla: Why Big Companies Are Buying Into Crypto-Mania,” 《澳门赌场官方下载》2021年2月11日; http://www.barrons.com/articles/not-just-tesla-why-big-companies-are-buying-into-crypto-mania-51613069805

Dustin Brewer, CISM, CSX-P, CDPSE, CEH

ISACA的高级主管是否在新兴技术和创新领域发挥作用 他为ISACA探索并制作内容® 澳门赌场官方下载 利用效益和对现有基础设施可能构成的威胁 emerging 技术. He has 17 years of experience in the IT field, 从网络、编程和硬件专业化开始. He 在美国军队服役期间,他在网络安全方面表现出色,后来又成为一名军官 国防合同机构的独立承包商和主要开发商, 他专攻计算机网络安全、渗透测试和 为美国国防部(DoD)和商业部门提供各种培训 实体. Brewer can be reached at futures@xqzlsb.net.